1040 Tax Estimator How much tax will you pay this year? Will you get a refund? Enter your filing status, income, deductions and credits we will estimate your total taxes for the year.
1040 EZ Tax Estimator The 1040EZ is a simplified form used by the IRS for income taxpayers that do not require the complexity of the full 1040 tax form. Simply select your tax filing status and enter a few other details to estimate your total taxes for the year. How much tax will you pay this year? Will you get a refund? Use this quick interactive calculator to help determine your tax bill.
Marginal and Effective Tax Rates Knowing your income tax rate can help you calculate your tax liability for unexpected income, retirement planning or investment income. This calculator helps you estimate your effective (or average) tax rate, your current tax bracket, and your marginal tax rate.
Self Employment Tax Calculator Use this calculator to estimate your self employment taxes.
Payroll Deductions Use this calculator to help you determine the impact of changing your payroll deductions. You can enter your current payroll information and deductions, and then compare them to your proposed deductions. Try changing your withholdings, filing status or retirement savings and let the payroll deduction calculator show you the impact on your take home pay.
Flexible Spending Account Savings Calculator Use this calculator to see how participating in your employer's "Flexible Spending Account" can help you pay less tax, and increase your net take home pay.